27 years old, graduated in Made in Italy
Management, I am on the Board of the Consorzio Olio di Roma IGP, Marketing Manager for the Consorzio Sabina DOP, European Councilor for Young Farmers and expert in Agriculture
Organic for the European Commission.
I maybe do a little bit of everything,
however I manage the site, and therefore yes,
I do everything and more.
President of
Consortium Sabina DOP and of Lazio Origin,
deputy director of FEDERDOP; ed is also
founder of OP LATIUM.
He is a Sabino of excellence and his age
we will not reveal it.
It is the one that does the math and sometimes even prunes.
25 years old, Agronomist,
she graduated in Agriculture,
and is the Delegate
for Young Entrepreneurs of
It is the one you always see
on Instagram why
is the most photogenic .